I regret to inform everyone that you cannot join the military if you have had weight loss surgery.
I asked an Army and a Navy recruiter about it and they both told me straight out "NO!" I found an Air Force Recruiter who was willing to take on my case and took me through the entire application process. I filled out all the documents, sent in all the required paper work, college transcripts, recommendation letters, CV, questionnaires, essay and medical records regarding the weight loss surgery. Everything was ok except that the MEPS did not approve me for medical because of the weight loss surgery. So my recruiter sent my medical records to the surgeon general to request a waiver and their response was the same...it was not approved because weight loss surgery is an "unwaiverable medical procedure."
I feel like my dreams have been shot to pieces. I hope some day the military realizes that most of us are in tip top shape since having this procedure done. I know I am. I've never felt better, looked better, and been in better physical shape in my life since I had WLS. I'm in better shape now than I was when I was in the Army.
They lost out on having a true patriot serve their country AGAIN.
If anyone else has tried and got in please tell me your secret.